Category: Wellness

How to Pick a Diabetes Management App  

There are a lot of diabetes management apps on the market, and it’s tough to know which one to choose. You can find articles that list the “top 10” or “top 6” apps, but it’s often impossible to know what criteria were used to rank the apps. Instead of looking for the “top’ apps someone […]

Stay Healthy with Functional Foods

Have you noticed how some foods are supposed to help with cancer prevention, some with aging and others with diabetes or heart health? These types of foods are often called “functional foods”. “Functional Foods” contain “bioactive compounds”, substances that boost our health in ways that have little or nothing to do with nutrition. Learning about […]

Burn Fat with Intermittent Fasting 

“Intermittent fasting” involves having set hours or days, for eating, separated by set hours or days, for fasting. The periods of fasting allow the body to use up energy from food so that it can start using energy from fat. There are four basic schedules of intermittent fasting:   “Time-restricted eating” involves eating a limited […]

Vitamin D Fights Winter Illness

Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin” because our bodies produce it when our skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D helps fight infections. In winter we need it to help protect us from colds and flu. Our needs are high just when most of our skin is covered up with coats, etc. So how […]

Can a Night Owl be an Early Bird?

If you’re the night owl staggering into the office late each morning, there’s nothing more irritating than the early bird who brags about their 6 am workout. As you shake your head, you may wonder if you, too, could ever get up at the crack of dawn. Surely not, you tell yourself. But what if…..? […]

When Your Mood Matches the Weather

Are you low on energy, depressed or feeling isolated? Does your mood match the weather? If so, you may have “cabin fever”, an unofficial but common winter condition. You could wait for it to disappear with the arrival of spring or you could find ways to cheer yourself up a bit sooner. Here are 10 […]

Acetominophen Overdose Leading Cause of Acute Liver Failure

Almost half of all cases of acute liver failure (ALF) are the result of an overdose of acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol. Overdoses occur because people take more than the recommended amount, or because they have a condition such as alcoholism, that makes them have a lower tolerance for the drug.   Many patients don’t […]

When Your Home is Your Office

Today more people than ever are working from home. Many at-home workers revel in their new-found freedom: no more commutes, working in their pajamas, snacking whenever they want, being out from under “the boss”, etc. Some workers, however, have found that working from home is a lot harder than it looks.  Shared Space Can Create […]

Better Sleep Improves Chronic Pain

Recently researchers have found that better sleep offers hope for chronic pain. Pain Affects Sleep Most people who suffer from chronic pain know that it’s hard to go to sleep when you’re hurting. The minute you fall asleep it seems as if you roll over and the pain starts back up. You wake up and […]

6 Ways to Give a Caregiver a Break 

The life of a caregiver can be very difficult, particularly if they are in a 24/7 caregiving situation. Even if their commitment is only parttime, it can be very hard for them to get some time to themselves. If you’d like to help out, here are a few things you can do to make their […]