Category: Healthy Lifestyle

“Water Pills” Can Have Serious Side Effects  

“Water pills”, or diuretics, are often used to treat high blood pressure. While they are very effective in lowering blood pressure, however, they can also have serious side effects.  These side effects are directly linked to how diuretics work.   As anyone who has taken them knows, diuretics increase the amount of water that the […]

Why Most Men Need More Calories

As unfair as it seems, most men really do need more calories each day than most women in order to maintain the same weight. The following formulas, called the Harris-Benedict Calculations, are used to calculate daily calorie requirements: Men                  Daily Calories =  66.47 + (6.24 × weight […]

Your PCP Leads Your Healthcare Team

People need help to meet life’s most difficult challenges. Work teams, sports teams, Navy Seals teams, etc…….. The harder the challenge, the more important the team.  For many people, taking ownership of their health is a huge challenge. This is why choosing a health care team is so important. The main member of this team […]

8 Tips for Outdoor Winter Workouts 

Working out in cold weather isn’t for everyone, but if treadmill boredom is getting to you, here are eight tips for outdoor winter workouts:   1) Stay visible. Many of us work out either before or after work when winter visibility is low. Be sure to wear reflective clothing, and a headlamp if not working out in […]

5 Tips for Renewing Your New Year’s Resolutions 

If you’re still sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions, congratulations. If you’re falling behind, however, welcome to the crowd! You are not alone! If you’d like to get back on track, here are five tips that can help.   Get inspired! Find someone you know who has stuck to a resolution over the long term. Ask them about their journey, and […]

Tips for Organizing Medications

Organizing medications for yourself or a loved one can be exhausting.  To make things easier, it helps to have a medication list and a pillbox.   The MEDICATION LIST should contain the following information:   Medication Name  Name and phone number of prescribing healthcare provider What is it for?   How much should be taken?  How often […]

Strength Training with YouTube 

YouTube is full of exercise channels for people interested in “at home” strength training. There are workouts for people of all ages and levels of ability.  Times vary, from very short workouts to more challenging ones.  Some channels are free, some are paid and some offer a combination of the two.  Here are just a […]

Choosing the Right Treadmill

Buying a treadmill is so much easier than using one day after day. Fortunately, the more time you spend choosing the right treadmill, the more likely you are to use it…. and keep using it. Before you start reading treadmill reviews, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.   Where will I Put it?   […]

Managing Stress- Hobbies We Love 

Hobbies are the perfect antidote to stress. They help bring balance into our lives. They take our minds off of work and worries. They allow us to be creative, spend time outdoors, get exercise, relax, etc. When we have a hobby we love, it gives us pleasure even when we aren’t actually doing it. We […]