Category: Rheumatology

Healthy Aging: Strength Training and Osteoporosis 

Many of us associate strength training with weightlifting bodybuilders working on their six-packs. Strength training, however, can be beneficial for almost everyone. When people stick to it, strength training can help prevent multiple chronic illnesses, including osteoporosis.   Osteoporosis, which causes a decrease in bone mass and an increase in the rate of fracture, or […]

Are Peppers and Tomatoes Bad for Rheumatoid Arthritis?

When you have an autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis, it’s only natural to look for a connection between your symptoms and what you eat. In some cases, science and word-of-mouth agree with one another. In other cases they disagree. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis and a diet of nightshades, there is no clear answer. […]

Screenings Catch Osteoporosis Early

If people get a broken bone when they’re young, it’s usually due to an accident. If they get one when they’re old, it’s often due to osteoporosis. Bone tissue is alive, like all other bodily organs. Over time, bone cells die and are replaced by new cells. There are ways to keep your bones strong […]

Can Arthritis Patients Feel Weather in Their Bones?  

Some arthritis patients swear that they can feel approaching weather in their bones. Is this possible? Or is it all in their minds? The answer is both “yes” and “no”. Studies show that some people with arthritis feel more pain on cold, overcast days and on days following a rise in barometric pressure. However, study […]

Gout Causes Sharp Joint Pains

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints and tissues. These crystals are sharp and pointy and can cause a lot of pain. Uric acid is formed when we digest alcohol, fructose (a sugar found in fruit), red meat and some kinds of seafood, so eating […]

Living With Fibromyalgia 

Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood and life-altering illness that can be difficult to diagnose and treat. One of the biggest obstacles for patients is that they do not “look sick” and many diagnostic tests (including imaging or laboratory values) give normal results. From outward appearances, patients often look perfectly fine. Diagnosis is primarily based on the […]

Arthritis-the Right Tool for the Task

Gripping, reaching and fine motor skills can be a challenge for people who suffer from arthritis. Fortunately, there are many adaptive tools on the market that help make these tasks a little easier. Items from toothbrushes to saucepans are easier to hold with larger, softer handles. Some tools can be purchased with adaptive handles already […]

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes the bones to become weaker and more likely to break. It was once thought to be a “woman’s disease” since it affects about 1 in 4 women aged 65 and over. It’s now recognized that about 1 in 20 men aged 65 and over also have osteoporosis. With bones […]