Wellness & Education
Arthritis-the Right Tool for the Task

Gripping, reaching and fine motor skills can be a challenge for people who suffer from arthritis. Fortunately, there are many adaptive tools on the market that help make these tasks a little easier.
- Items from toothbrushes to saucepans are easier to hold with larger, softer handles. Some tools can be purchased with adaptive handles already attached. Some handles are sold separately and made to be attached to particular types of items.
- Lever-type door handles are much more user-friendly than round door knobs for those with arthritis. These can easily be found at “big box” hardware stores. For those who don’t have anyone available to help install new door handles, winged plastic grips can be purchased to go around standard, round, doorknobs.
- Long-arm grabbing tools with pinchers on the end are useful for retrieving dropped items.
- Special locking, magnetic clasps are available to help arthritis sufferers fasten jewelry.
- On a more “high tech” note, voice activated software is available for those who have trouble typing on a keyboard.
- Button hooks and zipper pulls make dressing much easier when fine motor skills are a challenge.
- Key extenders can help make keys easier to turn.
- Card and book holders can help take the strain off of hands that have trouble holding these items for long periods of time.
- Jar openers and electric can openers make cooking easier.
- Gas cap openers make filling up at the gas station an easier chore.
When arthritis symptoms worsen, you may have difficulty doing things the way that you’ve always done them. Fortunately, many adaptive devices are available to lend a helping hand. Assistive Devices & Assistive Technology | Arthritis Society Canada