Wellness & Education

Make the Most of Well-Child Visits

Doctor examining baby's ears

In case you’ve asked yourself why Well Child Visits are important, here is a list of ways in which you can help your child benefit from these routine visits:

  • Use this visit to ask an expert all the health and parenting questions you’ve been saving up.
  • Keep your children caught up on vaccinations. This will help protect them against many major diseases.
  • Ask about basic safety information, such as when to use which type of car seat or how to assure your baby is sleeping safely.
  • Let your child be examined for developmental issues. When treatment for developmental issues starts at a young age, the chance for success is greater.
  • Use these visits for growth tracking. This way health issues related to growth can be identified and treated as soon as possible.
  • Be sure to get assessments for heart arrhythmias and early heart disease.
  • Get regular vision and oral health screenings.
  • Take the opportunity to have your child screened for depression (and substance abuse in older children).
  • Appreciate having a set of medically trained eyes available. They can monitor you child’s health for issues you may not be able to recognize.