Category: Wellness

Managing Stress- Hobbies We Love 

Hobbies are the perfect antidote to stress. They help bring balance into our lives. They take our minds off of work and worries. They allow us to be creative, spend time outdoors, get exercise, relax, etc. When we have a hobby we love, it gives us pleasure even when we aren’t actually doing it. We […]

Your First Mammogram-What to Expect

A mammogram is an imaging procedure used to screen for breast cancer (A screening checks for disease when there are no signs and symptoms present.). If you have never had one before, it can be a bit intimidating, as it involves a certain amount of undressing (of the breasts only), as well as putting your breasts one at […]

Free Active Brain Apps 

Looking for a way to keep your brain active? Here are a few suggestions of apps that can help with learning a language, solving puzzles, manipulating numbers or building memory.  Learning a New Language  Do you speak Klingon? Or High Valyrian?  Star Trek and Game of Thrones fans young and old may be interested to know that Duolingo, […]

A 4-H Lesson for Healthy Aging

September is Healthy Aging Month. For those looking for healthy aging tips, there is no better inspiration than the 4-H youth organization that so many Rush County seniors remember. The 4-H’s are “head”, “heart”, “hands” and “health”.   “Head”   The 4-H “head” represents clear thinking, which includes making good decisions, being organized, solving problems, gaining knowledge […]

Taking the Meat-Free Plunge 

Going meat free isn’t the “fringe diet” it once was. Vegetarian and vegan options are popping up on restaurant menus even in the meat loving state of Indiana. Vegetarian blogs such as “Cookie and Kate” or vegan blogs such as “Pickles and Honey” offer countless recipes for meat-free home cooking.   There is no “one […]

Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Back Pain

Back pain can be one of the most uncomfortable kinds of pain to live with, and one of the most difficult types of pain to treat. Common treatments include surgery, injections, medications or rehab therapy. If these don’t work, or aren’t possible, chronic back pain can sometimes be treated with spinal cord stimulation. Spinal Cord […]

Spicy Foods Boost Weight Loss

Capsaicin is the ingredient in red hot chili peppers that makes most spicy foods spicy. It is also a “functional food” that can help with weight loss. It does this in two ways. Capsaicin increases a feeling of fullness, which helps us cut down on how much we eat. Capsaicin helps boost our metabolism, which […]

Emotional Stress of Stroke Recovery

A stroke is a life-changing event that affects the body, the mind and the heart. In addition to possible organic injury to the parts of the brain that control emotions, stroke recovery itself can profoundly alter a patient’s sense of self. Speech, movement and cognitive ability may all be affected by a stroke. Not surprisingly […]

Annual GYN Visits Help Protect Women from Cervical Cancer

Many women focus on the health of their families but neglect their own health. If illness keeps them from taking care of others, they are ready to see a healthcare provider. Otherwise, their own health often takes a back seat, particularly when it comes to annual wellness visits. Annual Well-Woman visits are especially important for […]

Delay in Calling an Ambulance Can be Fatal

The sooner a person recognizes the signs of a heart attack, the sooner they can get help and the more likely they are to survive. Unfortunately, studies have shown that people are less likely to call an ambulance for themselves than they are to call one for someone else. This is one of the reasons […]