Category: Mental Health

Research Shows Gratitude is Healthy

Both research and common sense tell us that people who practice gratitude are happier. As it turns out, they also tend to be healthier. Writing it Down Makes a Difference The Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) at the University of California, Berkeley, offers a free, online, gratitude journal Gratitude Journal | Practice | Greater Good […]

Mental Illness and Holiday Debt 

Holiday spending is stressful for everyone. There’s too much to do and not enough time to do it. It’s hard to find just the right gift for everyone on our list. We have to figure out how to pay for it all. The less we earn and the more we buy, the more stressful the […]

Building a Suicide Prevention Safety Plan for Yourself 

A suicide prevention safety plan is a written set of instructions that you create for yourself as a contingency plan should you begin to experience thoughts about harming yourself. It will contain a series of gradually escalating steps that you will follow, proceeding from one step to the next, until you are safe.  Creating a […]

Self-care for a Suicide Attempt Survivor Caregiver

“If you don’t do things to keep your cup full, you have nothing left to give others.”  This seems like a pretty practical and obvious “life lesson”. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to forget when you’re caring for a someone experiencing suicidal ideation. It seems impossible to think of self-care when a loved one is […]

How to Recognize a Phobia

Everyone has felt afraid of something at one point or another. A phobia, however, is very different from normal fear and can be quite difficult to overcome.  According to, “A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. If you have a phobia, you may experience a deep sense of dread or panic when […]

When Children Ask About Suicide  

Most people associate youth suicides with the teenage years, but pre-teens are also vulnerable. In 2018, suicide was the second leading cause of death for children aged 10 to 14 in the United States. It’s important for parents to be prepared to discuss suicidal ideation with preteens as well as older adolescents.   When very young children bring up the […]

The Challenges and Rewards of Caregiving 

Sometimes a caregiving situation is short-lived, for instance when an injury or illness heals quickly. At other times, caregiving can last for years, or even decades.  No two caregiving journeys are exactly the same. Caregiving challenges can include:  Sleep deprivation.   Having a living space that is cluttered with medical equipment.  Being obliged to take someone else’s special diet into consideration at every meal.   Being responsible for another person’s medications.   Being […]

Suicide – How long does the crisis last?  

A 2007 study involving interviews with 153 attempt survivors revealed that most suicidal crises are short-lived. Participants were asked how long they thought about suicide before making their attempt. The results were:   Less than 5 minutes: 24%  5 to 19 minutes: 24%  2-8 hours: 16%  1 or more days: 13%   Another study conducted in 2008 showed […]

Is My Teen Clinically Depressed?

Teens are famous for having moods that go up and down. When the “downs” become the norm, however, parents need to ask themselves: “Is this a normal mood swing? Or is it clinical depression?”  Symptoms of depression include: Sadness Irritability An abnormal decline in school performance Losing interest in activities the teen used to enjoy […]

Farming- Stress in the Fields

Financial Stress of Farming Say the word “farmer” and many people picture a guy in a ball cap driving a shiny new tractor across a lush green field on a sunny spring day. While these sorts of days happen, they are the exception rather than the rule.  Weather, finances and the commodities market each contribute […]