Milroy Primary Care Ribbon Cutting: RMH Celebrates Opening with Community

Wednesday, July 24, RMH held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the new RMH Milroy Primary Care. The ribbon was cut by Rush Memorial Hospital CEO Brad Smith and Board President John Byrne. Pictured (L-R) is Dr. Robert Perry, RMH Board Vice President Gerald Mohr, RMH Board Member Mark “Butch” Spurlin, Board President John Byrne, RMH CEO Brad Smith, Nurse Practitioner Melinda Miller, VP of Provider Services Joyce Geis, Jackie Makofka, Krystal Peters, Director of Specialists Dakota Wainwright, Director of RMH Milroy Primary Care Denise Shepherdson. Also present were Milroy business owners, community members, RMH staff, the RMH Administrative Council, staff of the RMH Milroy Primary Care, Hospital Board Members, Design Collaborative, Harmon Construction, Citizens State Bank, Green Sign Company, and MEDC.
Following the ceremony, tours of the new facility were provided to the community, allowing attendees to explore the facility and meet the dedicated staff.
RMH Milroy Primary Care is located at 7695 S. 175 W, Milroy, IN.