Tag: Healthy Lifestyle
Choosing the Right Treadmill
Buying a treadmill is so much easier than using one day after day. Fortunately, the more time you spend choosing the right treadmill, the more likely you are to use it…. and keep using it. Before you start reading treadmill reviews, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself. Where will I Put it? […]
Resources for a Healthy Over-the-Road Lifestyle
A national survey conducted in 2010 showed that truck drivers were twice as likely to smoke and twice as likely to be obese, as the general US adult working population. While the average American lifespan is 77, the average lifespan for truckers is only 61. Living a healthy life on the road is challenging for a number […]
Eating Less with Age
Many people notice a drop in appetite as they age. For people who are struggling with their weight, this can be great news. It’s a lot easier to lose our craving for snacks and treats than it is to build up our willpower. Sometimes, however, loss of appetite can do more harm than good. It can lead to too much […]
Are Low-Shedding Dogs Really Hypoallergenic?
Recently many dog breeds have been crossed with poodles, resulting in new types of dogs called “doodles”. There are Golden doodles (golden retriever and poodle), Aussie doodles (Australian Shepherd and poodle), St. Berdoodles (St. Bernards and poodles), etc. Poodles are low-shedding dogs and this trait is passed on to some of their offspring, including many […]
The Sheet Pan Dinner- Shortcut to Healthy Eating
Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to talk about eating healthy, homemade meals, than it is to actually do it? One of the biggest obstacles is the time it takes to plan and cook homemade food. If you want your meals to match your good intentions, the “sheet pan dinner” is an […]