Podcast: To Your Health

Early Detection Screening Tests with Dr. Jon Hopkins, Radiologist

Radiologist Dr Jon Hopkins describes specific screening tests that are performed in the Imaging Department, including mammograms, CT lung scans and CT heart scans. Dr Hopkins explains when tests are needed, what they detect and how often they should be performed.

“Emergency Care in the Air” with a Helicopter Paramedic

Alex Jones, Flight Paramedic with StatFlight, the medical helicopter company servicing RMH, talks about what it’s like to work on a medical transport helicopter. Alex discusses safety procedures, onboard equipment, crew requirements and the capacity for patient care aboard a StatFlight helicopter.

Preparing for Hospital Discharge

Janie Manning, Discharge Coordinator and Jason Scheiderer, Coordinator of Paramedicine, help patients plan for a successful recovery following a hospital stay.  They discuss the importance of finishing medications, keeping follow-up appointments, asking for help when needed and setting realistic expectations for the return home. They also describe the new Paramedicine and Population Health programs that […]

New Role Provides Patient Coaching at RMH

Need a coach to help you manage your chronic illness or get on track with your weight and your health? Dwayne Odle and Rebecca Schwering, RN’s and Patient Care Managers, discuss the new Population Health Program at RMH.

“Living and Dying in Rush County” with Deb Hummel

Is Rush County really a hotbed of cancer?  Deb Hummel, Vice President of Quality and Safety, answers this question and others as she talks about the major causes of death in Rush County. Deb also discusses the work of SPARC, the local coalition for “Suicide Prevention Across Rush County”.

“Where do I go?”

“Where do I Go? How to choose between the Emergency Room, Walk in Care and the primary caregivers at Healthcare Associates” with Sheila Browning, Director of ER, Whitney Owens and Amber Hill, Nurse Practitioner

“Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease, COPD” with Joyce Geis, NP

Joyce Geis, Family Services Nurse Practitioner and Vice President of Provider Services, discusses Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Diabetic Foot Care with Dr. Jonathan LeSar

Dr Jonathan LeSar discusses diabetic foot care, including how diabetes affects the feet, preventative maintenance for the diabetic foot and advanced wound treatment options.

“An Introduction to Diabetes” with Joyce Geis, NP

Joyce Geis, Family Practice Nurse Practitioner and Vice President of Provider Services, discusses the basics of diabetes, including causes, diagnosis, treatment and patient self-management.

Podiatry 101 with Dr. Jonathan LeSar

Podiatrist Dr Jonathan LeSar, of RMH Foot and Ankle, introduces himself to the community. He explains what “podiatry” is and discusses basic foot care issues.